Sempervivum ‘Oddity’
Plant number: 1.490.480One of the most familiar garden perennials, yet never lacking in appeal. These form a low clump of fleshy leaves, tiny new plants appearing in a circle around the mother in the middle. This bizarre selection has green leaves that curl into a tube, tipped with red during the colder months. Reminds us of a rolled tongue! Although they will grow nearly anywhere, these prefer the sort of well-drained conditions found in a sunny rock garden or wall. Worth trying in any sort of container, even an old shoe! Clumps may be divided at any time. Further details for |
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Sempervivum ‘Oddity’
Plant number: 1.490.480One of the most familiar garden perennials, yet never lacking in appeal. These form a low clump of fleshy leaves, tiny new plants appearing in a circle around the mother in the middle. This bizarre selection has green leaves that curl into a tube, tipped with red during the colder months. Reminds us of a rolled tongue! Although they will grow nearly anywhere, these prefer the sort of well-drained conditions found in a sunny rock garden or wall. Worth trying in any sort of container, even an old shoe! Clumps may be divided at any time. Further details for |