Nepeta nervosa
Plant number: 1.375.180This species of Catmint is not well known at all, but deserves a spot in any sunny border. Plants form a dense, low clump of narrow grey-green leaves, bearing chubby spikes of rich blue flowers in midsummer. Excellent for cutting, the flowers are also attractive to butterflies. Nice towards the front of a sunny border, on it mixed pots. Plants are easily divided in early spring. Removing faded flowers regularly will encourage more buds to form. Further details for |
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Nepeta nervosa
Plant number: 1.375.180This species of Catmint is not well known at all, but deserves a spot in any sunny border. Plants form a dense, low clump of narrow grey-green leaves, bearing chubby spikes of rich blue flowers in midsummer. Excellent for cutting, the flowers are also attractive to butterflies. Nice towards the front of a sunny border, on it mixed pots. Plants are easily divided in early spring. Removing faded flowers regularly will encourage more buds to form. Further details for |