Primula × bulleesiana
Plant number: 1.445.170Primroses come in many shapes and sizes. The Candelabra group are grown for their colourful display of flowers arranged in layers or tiers on tall, upright stems. This hybrid features flowers in a wide range of pastel shades, from creamy-yellow through pink, salmon, red, orange, mauve and purple. Dislikes summer drought, and performs best in moist soil. Tolerates wet conditions, beside a stream or pond. This type of Primrose flowers much later than the dwarf forms, the flowers appearing from late spring well into the summer. Excellent for cutting. Further details for |
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Primula × bulleesiana
Plant number: 1.445.170Primroses come in many shapes and sizes. The Candelabra group are grown for their colourful display of flowers arranged in layers or tiers on tall, upright stems. This hybrid features flowers in a wide range of pastel shades, from creamy-yellow through pink, salmon, red, orange, mauve and purple. Dislikes summer drought, and performs best in moist soil. Tolerates wet conditions, beside a stream or pond. This type of Primrose flowers much later than the dwarf forms, the flowers appearing from late spring well into the summer. Excellent for cutting. Further details for |