Iris sibirica ‘Baby Sister’
Plant number: 1.289.060The Siberian Iris are an easy, trouble-free group, forming clumps of grassy foliage with a late spring display of butterfly-like flowers. Plants are sturdy and upright, and seldom troubled by Iris borer. This dwarf selection is better suited to smaller gardens than some of the taller varieties. It features soft violet-blue flowers. Excellent for edging, or towards the front of the border. Also suitable for using in tubs and mixed containers. Siberian Iris are tolerant of wet sites, and will even grow in the shallow water at the edge of a pond or stream. CAUTION: Harmful if eaten. Further details for |
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Iris sibirica ‘Baby Sister’
Plant number: 1.289.060The Siberian Iris are an easy, trouble-free group, forming clumps of grassy foliage with a late spring display of butterfly-like flowers. Plants are sturdy and upright, and seldom troubled by Iris borer. This dwarf selection is better suited to smaller gardens than some of the taller varieties. It features soft violet-blue flowers. Excellent for edging, or towards the front of the border. Also suitable for using in tubs and mixed containers. Siberian Iris are tolerant of wet sites, and will even grow in the shallow water at the edge of a pond or stream. CAUTION: Harmful if eaten. Further details for |